Call Us today 469-212-4433
At Cano Health & Rehab Clinics, we believe in providing honest and dedicated service to victims post-accident & specialize in physical rehabilitation.
It's almost inevitable—at some point in your life, you'll be hurt in a motor vehicle accident. Statistics show that the average person is involved in a car crash every 18 years, or about four times by the age of 70.
When you are injured in a car wreck, your first concern is getting better. You need treatment, though, that addresses all the consequences of your injury. It's important to heal, but you want to minimize the pain that comes with the healing process. Further, you need to take the right steps to rebuild your strength and mobility so that you're not at risk of a recurring injury.
At the Cano Health and Rehab Clinics, we have provided full-service healthcare to victims of motor vehicle accidents in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex for more than 20 years. We treat people who have suffered any type of injury in a car crash, whether as drivers, passengers or pedestrians. We believe that effective medical care begins with a thorough medical examination. We'll take the time to fully and accurately diagnose all medical concerns. We'll then work with you to develop an effective strategy to speed your recovery, rebuild your strength, and address your pain.
We don't collect upfront fees from car, truck or motorcycle accident victims. We'll work cooperatively with your lawyer, receiving our payment when you get compensation for your losses. If you need an attorney, we can help—we have strong professional relationships with skilled and experienced legal counsel.
Because we've been doing this for two decades, we know that many of our patients either can't drive (due to an injury) or don't have reliable transportation. We will pick you up for your appointment and take you home when you are done.
With more than 20 years of experience, Dr. Fernando Cano serves Dallas-Fort Worth patients who have suffered injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents.
Let us start working today to help you heal, minimize your pain, and reestablish your strength and mobility. Contact the Cano Health and Rehab Clinics by e-mail or call our office at 469-212-4433 to schedule an office visit. We don't charge an upfront fee to people who have been hurt in a motor vehicle accident. We accept most major insurance programs. Appointments are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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